
Changing careers is a huge decision and takes careful planning. In order to be successful in a career transition, you have to prove to the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills than can help you be effective in the new role that is totally different from your previous career path. It is also important to point out the reason why a career transition can work for you and why you decided to do it.
If you are in the middle of a career change or you are planning to, keep in mind the following tips.
1. Know Your Reason
After spending years in your career, you suddenly feel the need to have a career change. The big question is why? In a job interview for your new career, you must be able to clearly explain why you had a change of heart. You need to have a compelling rationale why you’re taking the big leap. Otherwise, the hiring manager won’t see your decision as a substantial one.
2. Discover Your Strengths and Skills
When you feel stuck to your current job, you find ways on how to motivate yourself again. You may do volunteer work as an outlet to practice your other skills and strengths. While doing so, you discover that utilizing these skills and strengths brings you more happiness and purpose and because of this, you make a decision to shift to a new career where you can take advantage of these neglected skills and strengths. You must be able to articulate these in your interview for the new role. Even though the career path is new to you, convince the hiring manager that you are still capable of bringing value to the company with your current skill set.
3. Do Some Research
People make impulsive decisions when they feel frustrated in their current job for many reasons. For example, they feel undercompensated and the management is not doing anything about it after you brought it to their attention. You feel that looking for a higher-paying job that is not right up your alley would make your frustration go away. Using your emotions to decide on a career change is not the way to go. Before you do something that you will regret, try to do your research. Talk to people who have experienced the same thing and find out if a career change worked or did not work for them and why. This way, you will have a clearer evaluation whether a career change is the right move for you or not.
4. Be with Supportive People
A career change is a huge risk and making it successful can be a long journey. Some people may question your decision and pass judgements on you while others understand your decision and back you up every step of the way. Make sure to surround yourself with the latter who keep on pushing you to be successful in your new career. Embrace their positive energy to make you feel motivated especially when you’re in doubt or feeling lost.
5. Leave Your Comfort Zone
When you spent years in a job, you made it your comfort zone and it is quite hard to leave it behind for a new career. Leaving your comfort zone can be scary because you don’t know what it will be like in your new job. It’s like you are starting all over again. It’s nerve racking and challenging. When you feel pressured by your new job, you may feel confused and question your decision. You feel the need to fast-forward so you can skip the hard part but the key to having a successful career change is to take one step at a time. Get your feet wet until you find your footing.
It takes guts and courage to make a career change. Some people succeed while others fail. No matter the outcome is, the important thing is to own up to that decision and bounce back if you need to.